My Christmas Counting Book我猜這本書不容易找到,但是因為很好玩,念起來很有意思,所以還是向家中有小小孩的家長推薦。如果找不到書,也許你可以自己畫簡單的插圖,或是利用電腦圖檔,編出來在家裡念給孩子聽。
One Santa Claus climbs out of bed. He dresses in a suit of red.
Two Christmas elves with work to do, make Christmas gifts for me and you.
Three sacks of presents filled with toys, from Santa to the girls and boys.
Four reindeer help pull Santa's sleigh, across the snow then far away.
Five snowmen wear a hat and scarf. Their faces make poor Santa laugh.
Six Christmas stockings hung in a row; Santa will fill them, then off he'll go.
Seven Christmas cards stand side by side, with Christmas cheer for all inside.
Eight presents wait for Christmas day, when children wake and want to play.
Nine candles on the Christmas tree. They shine so bright for all to see.
Ten children sing a Christmas song; they laugh and play the whole day long.
Copy Right Brimax Books Ltd. 1995.